Towards sparse representation for high-quality and compact 3D Gaussian Splatting.

An “Optimizing-Sparsifying” Simplification Framework for Compact and High-Quality 3D Gaussian Splatting

1Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Arlington 2School of Computing, University of Georgia


3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a main stream for novel view synthesis, leveraging continuous aggregations of Gaussian functions to model scene geometry. However, 3DGS suffers from substantial memory requirements to store the multitude of Gaussians, hindering its practicality. To address this challenge, we introduce GaussianSpa, an optimization-based simplification framework for compact and high-quality 3DGS. Specifically, we formulate the simplification as an optimization problem associated with the 3DGS training. Correspondingly, we propose an efficient “optimizing-sparsifying” solution that alternately solves two independent sub-problems, gradually imposing strong sparsity onto the Gaussians in the training process. Our comprehensive evaluations on various datasets show the superiority of GaussianSpa over existing state-of-the-art approaches. Notably, GaussianSpa achieves an average PSNR improvement of 0.9 dB on the real-world Deep Blending dataset with 10× fewer Gaussians compared to the vanilla 3DGS.

Method Overview


    Our GaussianSpa formulates 3DGS simplification as a constrained optimization problem with a sparsity constraint: \begin{equation}\label{eqn:obj-opacity-form} \begin{aligned} \min_{(\boldsymbol{a},\boldsymbol{\Theta})} ~&\mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{a},\boldsymbol{\Theta}), \end{aligned} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \text{s.t.}\hspace{0.2cm}&\|\boldsymbol{a}\|_0\leq\kappa. \end{aligned} \end{equation} Variable \(\boldsymbol{\Theta}\) represent other GS variables except for the Gaussian opacity \(\boldsymbol{a}\), and the sparsity constraint restricts the \(\ell_0\) norm of the Gaussian opacity to a specified number. We present an efficient "optimizing-sparsifying" solution to solve this problem, consisting of two main steps (please refer to our paper for more details):

    \begin{equation}\label{eqn:obj-optimizing} \textbf{ “Optimizing” Step:}\hspace{0.3cm}\min_{\boldsymbol{a},\boldsymbol{{\Theta}}}\mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{a},\boldsymbol{\Theta})+\frac{\delta}{2}\|\boldsymbol{a}-\boldsymbol{z}+\boldsymbol{\lambda}\|^2. \end{equation} The "optimizing" step essentially optimizes over the original Gaussian variables and pushes the Gaussian opacity \(\boldsymbol{a}\) close to the auxiliary \(\boldsymbol{z}\) that is exactly sparse using a gradient-based approach. This way, it can simultaneously satisfy the 3DGS performance and the sparsity requirements, achieving a sweet point in the training process.

    \begin{equation}\label{eqn:obj-sparsifying} \textbf{ “Sparsifying” Step:}\hspace{0.3cm}\min_{\boldsymbol{z}}h(\boldsymbol{z})+\frac{\delta}{2}\|\boldsymbol{a}-\boldsymbol{z}+\boldsymbol{\lambda}\|^2.\hspace{0.6cm} \end{equation} The "sparsifying" step essentially prunes the auxiliary variable \(\boldsymbol{z}\), which can be considered the exactly sparse version of \(\boldsymbol{a}\). By not directly operating the original Gaussians, this step avoids the irreversible loss of important information.

Trajectory Comparison on Multiple Scenes

Visualized Comparison on Multiple Scenes

Comparison to 3DGS

Our GaussianSpa presents higher-quality rendered views with up to 10x reduction than vanilla 3DGS.

3DGS (2.32M) Ours (0.29M) 3DGS (1.74M) Ours (0.42M) 3DGS (5.31M) Ours (0.66M) 3DGS (1.17M) Ours (0.39M) 3DGS (2.29M) Ours (0.22M)

Comparison to Mini-Splatting

Our GaussianSpa captures detail-rich textures more accurately compared to the SOTA.

Mini-Splatting (0.29M) Ours (0.29M) Mini-Splatting (0.44M) Ours (0.42M) Mini-Splatting (0.65M) Ours (0.66M) Mini-Splatting (0.41M) Ours (0.39M) Mini-Splatting (0.42M) Ours (0.22M)


        title={GaussianSpa: An "Optimizing-Sparsifying" Simplification Framework for Compact and High-Quality 3D Gaussian Splatting}, 
        author={Yangming Zhang and Wenqi Jia and Wei Niu and Miao Yin},